
Architects use aerial Orthophotos to take important and accurate measurements, overlay their designs on the Orthophotos for better visualization and give to their potential clients a unique experience.
We can also provide DTMs or Contour Lines in high accuracy of any given region at any given time!
Architects can use our 3D PhotoRealistic Models to conduct accurate shadow and solar analysis but also to integrate their new building design into a photo-realistic and geographically accurate 3d Model of their region of interest.
Civil engineering and construction companies are using our high accuracy aerial surveys as an integral part of their projects.
Buildings, major highways, roads, sewerage , fiber optic, transmission lines and others can be surveyed by Surverial’s professional team.
For Civil Engineers having precise and suitable spatial datasets, is a crucial requirement to insure successful engineering projects outcome. Surverial provides a very high standard of spatial data using X8 and Iris+ drones from 3D Robotics but also a fixed wing plane (EaglEye) for large scale projects and road, pipe or electrical line corridors. All UAV’s are attached with high analysis digital mapping cameras with amazing capabilities like Sony RX100, Canon S120 and GoPro Hero 4 Black.
With our products & services Surveying Engineers can output both quantitative and qualitative information.
They can easily recognize the relief of the area, take measurements of distance, elevations, buildings heights, areas and volumes.
They can overlay vector or other maps on top of our products so they will be able to design points, text, polygons, lines, boundaries etc.
Essentially they can use our products and services for the most complete and secure reliability presumption and comparison of reference in any kind of documentation or project.
Real Estate Companies can now give to their clients the opportunity to immerse themselves into a photorealistic 3D world by visualising an existing property from any possible angle they can imagine!
They can show to their potential clients how their future property will look like at sunrise or sunset, pre-planned photo-realistic fly-through or take still images and stand-alone full-textured 3D model for integration into their own application (in any format!) .
Surverial can provide them with unique ways to visualize and interact with 3D data , aerial imagery and promotion videos.
Potential clients have total immersion experience without having to go on-site and Real Estate companies can improve their marketing power!
Based on high-resolution aerial imagery, our 3D models include all man-made and natural objects present in your area of interest. Our Products & Services are the perfect tool for use in analysis of potential Land & Property Development sites prior to commencing a project. This powerful 3D mapping technologies allows Developers and potential clients or investors to immerse themselves in a photo-realistic world and visualize how designs fits in its environment from any possible angle and altitude!
During disaster events such as landslides and floods, we provide reliable and rapid response to assist the government and the emergency services in their decision making and assessment of damage.
For implementing development policy in urban areas the usage of high resolution spatial data is necessary . In addition Surverial provides to the Government the right data to support information analysis and decision-making in order to help monitor and manage environmental change and to help quantify and manage urban planning, including true 3D models from a single building to an entire city or community.
Features captured from these spatial data can include 3D vectors of any linear feature, point data, and surfaces such as the natural or built terrain or including building footprints and roof-line.
Cross-sections can be generated from data strings captured using photogrammetric methods and GIS/CAD softwares, and these datasets can be imported directly into any design software in the market today (e.g. AutoCAD, 3DS MAX, ArcGIS).
More specifically we provide to the Government & Municipalities with precision topographic mapping, high resolution True Ortho-Imagery, feature capture services, change detection, 3D Buildings, visualization and high-resolution 3D models.[/fusion_tab][/fusion_tabs]
Surverial has huge experience in providing the infrastructure and transport industry with high accurate georeferenced products. We surveying for quality spatial data sets to support large civil engineering projects such as airports, marinas, highways and for intersection planning and design. Our clients include all tiers of government and the private engineering and planning sectors.
Surverial’s high resolution aerial true-ortho-imagery, precise topography and features digitized photogrammetrically such as breaklines, objects classification and other, can offer a vast range of information that can be used for planning and management roads, highways, infrastructures, pipelines, sewage pipelines, transmission lines, rivers and coastlines.
The key component to efficiently determine the locations of telecommunication antennas is accurate true photorealistic 3D models over urban areas!
Surverial’s 3D models give to Telecommunication companies to access the right information to compute whether an antenna can receive signals from a transmitter. Because our models contain all man-made and natural objects including trees, you can get an accurate analysis of all elements obstructing the line of sight.
We can provide many ways for these companies to visualize and interact with 3D data. The 3D virtual environment gives telecommunication companies access to 3D measurement tools and basic GIS capabilities to access information about antenna location as well as very fast navigation and other endless possibilities.
Energy providers can now use our technology to integrate and process their valuable data in order to save time and money for design, construction, maintenance and survey of their assets.
Utilities companies can collect data through our services for new line construction and rebuilds.
Use our products & services to map and manage electrical outage, maintain safety and compliance, cut costs, and improve customer satisfaction.
The mapping services to the mining sector include high resolution orthophotography, digital terrain models and infrared imagery to support planning, monitoring and rehabilitation of the environment, volume analysis and feature capture for assets management.
The quality of information and timelines is critical to ensure the project’s success. We provide precise and customized datasets offering high resolution true- orthophotography, digital terrain models and feature capture data to support the different phases of individual projects.
Our teams of highly trained engineers and photogrammetrists have developed effective procedures, a rigorous quality control process and excellent customer services to serve the energy and mining industry with the highest standard in response to your project requirements.
Surverial can provide cutting-edge mapping products and services to the energy and mining industry for the right solution for your project requirements. We specialized for providing mapping solutions to support the planning of wind farms, power transmission and pipeline corridor.
Among others we offer pipeline corridor mapping, environmental and rehabilitation map monitoring, wind farm mapping, high resolution true-orthophotography, high-resolution 3D photorealistic models, change detection and volume analysis, feature capture services for assets management and planning, digital elevation models (DEMs) and contours lines (DTMs).
Surverial provides tailored geospatial data products and services to improve management efficiency of water and natural resources. Among others we can provide topographic mapping, high resolution multispectral Imagery, feature capture services, emergency and disaster mapping, vegetation analysis, water level mapping, environmental and rehabilitation mapping, DTM for flood modelling and high-resolution 3D models.
When time is critical, these accurate 3D models can be processed and delivered within a few days! The 3D model created after a disaster can be retained as a record for analysis & provides accurate measurements for reports long after the event. Fast Ortho Imagery and topographic information can be used to assess the suitability of an area to design a pipeline route. Surverial provide high standard spatial data for the planning phase of water pipelines. Accurate aerial survey and mapping of riverbanks for vegetation, erosion and water level analysis is a key factor to understand the hydrography of a project area. Surverial has te experience in providing precise topographic information as well as optical and near-infrared digital aerial imagery to assess, understand and manage rivers and streams.
Effective coastal protection systems require accurate spatial information for geomorphological information such as the identification of low tide boundaries and drainage channels as well as monitoring erosion. We supply high resolution aerial imagery and derived precision elevation models and contours to support your coastal mapping requirements.
Every archaeological site contains a wealth of information about the past, and accurate geospatial information is key.
Today, we are offering to Archeologists the chance of using 3D modeling tech to preserve the information found in a site, find new places to dig, or create models of ancient artifacts via 3D Modeling and 3D Printing. Modeling in 3D can help preserve even the smallest artifacts, like beads and tiny bones. It is obvious that the last decade of advances in computer vision now means that the future of archaeological recording – from whole landscapes of past human activity to archaeological sites to museum objects – is increasingly digital, 3D and citizen-led.
Precision agriculture calls for continuous land management at a competitive cost. Localizing and quantifying hotspot areas in fields, orchards and vineyards is now made possible with a variety of indices that can be automatically created in Surverial’s technical office via photogrammetry and remote sensing technologies.
We acquire multi-spectral images by UAV and we convert them to index maps such as NDVIs, DVIs, SAVI and many more! Our new technology generates up-to-date information and allows for continuous monitoring and well-structured decision making for any type of plant.
Every crop is different! Grapes are not tomatoes, and tomatoes are not corn. There are hundreds of different kinds of farms, ranging from trees to roots. Each crop needs to be measured differently to generate actionable data. There is no universal crop survey solution, that is why aerial OrthoImagery is the key component in utilizing agricultural techniques for the management of farmland.
Contact us today and find out the benefits of your business yourself! By using our products & services you can create management zones, evaluate the effectiveness of fertilizer applications, perform in-season analysis to make crop management decisions, manage georeferenced soil sampling, precisely schedule irrigation, scheduling of pesticide applications, find mechanical errors in application equipment or view the whole farm/field!
Any photograph used for advertising or promotional work needs to be memorable and stand out from the crowd. Aerial photography provides you with a unique viewpoint on almost any subject matter and aerial photography can produce some stunning, eye catching, images.
If you are a creative agency interested in using our aerial photography or the 3D Reality Models for your clients, please contact us to find out about our special arrangements for agencies.